Thursday, July 19, 2012

Top 5 Prison Films

Reviewing "The Count of Monte Cristo" got me thinking of other films revolving around prison, so here are my top 5.

Since I am a huge musical theatre nerd, this squeaks in at #5.  Rob Marshall's film adaptation of the Kander and Ebb Broadway smash revived the movie musical being the first musical to bring home an Oscar for Best Picture since "Oliver" in 1968.  It tells the story of a Chicago woman awaiting her trial after she murders her lover.  The music and choreography is brilliant, and gave me a new love for the show since I hated the musical on stage.

#4-The Green Mile
One of two Frank Darabont films on this list, "The Green Mile" follows a group of death row guards who encounter an interesting new inmate.  Tom Hanks again proves himself as one of the best actors in film history, and Darabont's direction is top notch.

#3-American History X
Even though this film doesn't completely take place in prison, it's way to good to leave off this list.  Edward Norton gives what I think is one of the best performances without winning an Oscar.  This powerful film sends a message that sticks to you for years, and gets stronger with every viewing.

#2-Cool Hand Luke
Paul Newman is still the best actor ever.  And this film would be #1 if Frank Darabont wasn't such a genious.

#1-The Shawshank Redemption
If you don't like this movie, you don't like breathing.  Yet another Darabont/Stephen King collaboration, this one is the best.  It currently tops the IMDB top 250 with an average score of 9.2.  Morgan Freeman gives the best performance of his career, and this film will never go out of style.

Honorable Mentions
The Longest Yard(1974)-Still Burt Reynold's best starring role.
Holes-My favorite book+Shia Labeouf=great Disney film

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